Topic: Advanced Settings


Windows Registry Repair Pro offers some customizable settings for advanced users:




From time to time, more experienced users may find it desirable to "exclude" certain Drives, Folders and/or Files from being included in the scanning process. There are many reasons for this such as an older program that leaves incomplete entries in the Registry but are needed anyways - this advanced feature of Windows Registry Repair Pro allows you to define these exclusions and store them for future use. To do so, select Advanced Settings from the main form, then select Set Program Options and click the Next button. The following step will be displayed:



There are four possible configuration options available:


1. Excluded Strings - Clicking this button will display the Excluded Registry Strings list.  This list of strings are excluded from the registry search for invalid/folder reference. Registry entries that contain any of these strings will be ignored and will not be shown as invalid. This means that if a registry entry contains a path like "F:\autorun\auto.exe" and the string "\autorun\auto" is in the excluded strings list, then Windows Registry Repair Pro will not check this registry entry for any error (it will skip this entry). The list is case insensitive.

This feature is useful to exclude CD-ROM, network or removable drive letters from finding them as "invalid" if they do not contain a media that a registry key is referenced to. For example, if your registry contains some references to files on a CD-ROM that currently is not in a drive and you do not want to remove those references from the registry then add your CD-ROM drive letter to the list. You may also add to the list, all your removable media drive letters. By default the excluded list is empty. So all links to files or folders on your removable drives will be found.

To add a string to the list, enter it in the edit box and press the Add button. To remove a string from the list, select it and press the Remove


2. Paths - This allows you to search specific paths on your computer for registry corrections. You can add more than one path or all of your drives. This program will scan these paths (including subfolders). The list is case insensitive.

If you don't know where moved files might be located, just add all of your hard drives - C, D, etc. By default the list already contains all fixed drives. Note that depending on the size of the drives and number of files, scanning your disks may take a lot of time. Registry First Aid always scans selected folders including their subfolders. In most cases to speed up the process you might only add the Windows folder (e.g. "C:\Windows") and "C:\Program Files" folder. An overwhelming majority of invalid entries reside in these folders or directory paths.

Note 1: If the list contains upper-level folder path then you won't be able to add a subfolder (for example if the "C:\Windows\" folder is in the list, the subfolder "C:\Windows\Subfolder\" can not be added to the list). The reason for this that the program always scans folders with their subfolders automatically.

Note 2: You can set a list of paths excluded from the disks search. Please refer to Excluded Paths topic.

Adding paths or local hard drives to the search list is very easy. Click the Add button, browse for a path and click OK.

3. Excluded Paths - Adding paths to the exclusion list is very easy. Just click the Browse button, select a path and click OK or simply enter a whole path string into the edit box. Entered path string then can be edited and added into the exclusion list - click the Add button.

Note: If the list contains upper-level folder path then you won't be able to add a subfolder (for example if the "D:\Temp\" folder is in the list, the subfolder "D:\Temp\Subfolder\" can't be added into the list). The reason for this is that the program disables from scanning all folders with their subfolders.

Tip 1: To skip searching folders with the same name on all drives simply enter a folder name beginning and ending with "\". For example, to avoid searching for corrections in folders C:\Recycled, D:\Recycled, and so on, add the string \Recycled\ into the exclusion list.

Tip 2: Adding \Recycled\ into the exclusion list will exclude from the scan all folders containing \Recycled\ substring in their path: C:\games\Recycled\, E:\Temporary Internet Files\Recycled\, etc. To avoid this keep the ":" as the first character of excluded path: :\Recycled\.

4. Excluded Keys - You can define here registry entries that will be excluded from analyzing. To remove an entry from the list, select it and click the Remove button. To add an entry, first select which type of entry you want to add using the drop down menu, then click the Add button and lastly enter the new excluded registry string and press OK.


Entries that are in the Invalid path entries excluded list will be excluded from analyzing registry for invalid paths. The program will skip these registry entries. Entries from the Invalid font entries excluded list will be skipped while analyzing registry for invalid font references. And so on. Every registry problem category has its own excluded list. Some lists contain several default excluded entries.

If the program finds repeatedly the same entry as invalid or empty then the user can add it to one of the excluded lists. If you want to exclude some program entries from the ones that were found as invalid you can also add these entries into the excluded list. Usually you don't know exactly all program's registry entries that can be found as invalid. So, scan the registry and add to the excluded list those entries that belong to the program you want to exclude (using the right mouse click pop-up menu).


CAUTION: This feature is implemented with experienced users in mind; although using the feature will not damage the registry, it may prevent Registry Repair Pro from optimizing the Registry as well as it normally would. Given that, if you are not familiar with the Registry, we recommend leaving this area blank for now.


We hope that you find the program useful in optimizing and maintaining the registry on your computer. If you should encounter any difficulties, please refer to the Technical Support section of the Help file. For more information on obtaining support for the program please go to the 3B Software website.

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